Become A Member

Being a member of Tomo no Kai gives you quite a few benefits. We receive discounts from our sponsors between the 5-10%, or other specifics depending on the sponsor. You’ll be able to find a full list of our sponsors on the next tab: Sponsors.

How to become a member?

For only 10 euros you’ll receive a membership card valid for one year. This membership includes discounts at our sponsors and a few extra coupons at the start of the year! It may or may not include a few pieces of our newly made merch!

*** Your membership card is only activated when it has been stamped in gold with our logo and the dates are written on it as well as your name.

Where will I be able to buy a membership?

We provide the possibility to get a membership on the introduction day for BA1 students (at the end of the day at Worlds’ End Comics). For students from BA2 and above will be able to get a new membership on our first events (this specifically being the Japanology Party as being one major event that gives you direct access to get a membership). We accept both cash and payconic!

It is also possible to buy the card by transferring the 10 euros for the membership to our bank account BE58 7370 2455 4379 (add: name + membership). Please do communicate when you want to buy a membership so we can prepare a card and find a fitting date for you to come pick it up at a given time and location. You’ll be able to pick up your card at one of our events or you’ll likely be able to pick up your card during the Japanese lesson on Monday. (For those outside of the Japanology course may come pick up their card at an event or message one of us to receive the card).

*** For exchange students who only stay for a semester it is possible to get a membership for 5 euros only.

It is best to get a membership at the start of the year so that you’ll be able to merit from it for the whole academic year!

Am I allowed to get a membership as an exchange student?

Yes of course! Exchange students are able to get a membership as well and receive the benefits from our sponsors!

Can I get a membership even though I am not a student in the course of Japanology?

Yes of course! Everyone is allowed to join our association regardless of what they study! If you are interested, don’t hesitate to ask us questions or get a membership. As long as you’re a student you can get a membership!

Am I allowed to join events even though I’m not a member?

Yes! We won’t hold you back from joining events if you don’t have a membership. You’re free to join us at any given time. Our events are made for people who have a similar interest to join and socialize. So don’t hesitate to just drop by and check our events out!

HOWEVER: Do note that some events may be members-only. For some events, we may of course give priority to our members. And for certain other events (such as faculty-organized events where we may also help) those are only for Japanologist or Japanese exchange students. These are the few exceptions. Other than that, feel free to join any other event!