During that year, as a Vice Praeses, I had the crazy idea to just start recording our events and make a video out of it to look back to. I thought it would be nice to have it be available for our Lustrum this current year of 2022-2023. I must say, I’m not much of a video editor. The last time I edited a video was in high school for some project but that was like 5-6 years ago. So please have a little bit of mercy on me, for my editing may not be the best. But I liked making this video of raw footages with a chill beat on it. I liked rewatching the events from the past year, so much to the point it motivated me to just do it allover again. So who knows, for year 2022-2023, I may also record and make a video.
This video took me a year to record. By that I mean it more like: it took me a year to record quite some of the events during that academic year in order to eventually make this video. Which I only recently completed the day before our Japanology Party on October 5th.
Before you get to scroll a little further down to watch the video I actually want to thank all the people that worked with us during that year. I want to thank our Praesidium that worked hard to make events happen even though Covid was holding us back most of the time. We still made the most of it. And it all somehow seemed to work out in the end. I also want to thank the people that also recorded things when I for example wasn’t able to. This also goes for all the pictures taken during the events. Without that we wouldn’t have much to show from the past year. (Pictures are on our Facebook Page).
I also want to thank all the other student organizations that decided to join our very last event, the Karaoke. Well due to circumstances I actually don’t have video footages of it. But there were many pictures so you’ll be able to enjoy them on our Facebook Page. And while you’re at it, may as well check out all the other pictures as well.
And on top of that, I’d love to thank the brave students that decided to take the interview task from the Scavenger Hunt so that I could make this video! Many thanks to you brave ones!
Well, I won’t hold you back any longer from checking out the well, I like to call it my crazy stupid little video project. And I hope that this video brings a smile to your face and hopefully you’d remember some of the fun moments during the events you may have experienced. I hope you get to smile as much as I did when I watched that video as I made it.
Kind regards,
I guess I’ll have to sign this one as Vice Praeses (years 2021-2022) Ekaterina (Katja).